Forging a Path for Unbridled Women with Devon Combs
Devon Combs is a globally recognized Equine Coach, inspirational speaker and the founder and leader of Unbridled Retreats. As the globally recognized "Equestrian of the Wellness World," Devon helps women find purpose and through the healing power of horses. Her synergy with horses and intuitive coaching provide profound breakthroughs for women seeking to unlock their joy.
On Being an Unbridled Woman
To Devon, being an Unbridled Woman means being a whole, authentic expression of the real you. It means embracing, embodying, and accepting all of who you are - your strength, softness, power, wisdom, struggles, pain, joy, confidence, insecurities, and living life on your own terms.
Devon encourages other women to become unbridled by putting their stake in the ground and saying, "This is who I am. I refuse to stay small, I won't apologize for who I am, and I will show up and let my intuition lead the way. I am a light in the world to show other women that they can do the same."
Self-Care Means Prioritizing Yourself
For Devon, self-care means putting yourself at the top of the priority list. "It's not easy. It's not perfect, but I've noticed a big difference that when I prioritize myself, I'm a calmer, more joyful person, and I can be of greater service to others at a much higher level."
This is who I am. I refuse to stay small, I won't apologize for who I am, and I will show up and let my intuition lead the way. I am a light in the world to show other women that they can do the same.
One way Devon cares for herself is by replacing drinking alcohol with nightly Reverie. By giving up drinking, she has replaced happy hour with new evening routines such as going to the gym, enjoying Epsom salt lavender baths, and reading a good novel. Devon says, "Being alcohol-free has made me a happier person and has had a profound positive impact on my mental health. The better I take care of myself, the better I can support and guide others who want to live an unbridled life of wellness and authenticity."
For more on Devon's sobriety journal, check out her interview with Jihi founder Jennifer Beck, Sober Curious: 30 Days and Beyond with Devon Combs.

Creating Self-Care Routines with Jihi
An early adopter of the Jihi line, Devon also uses the Petal Milk and Merrimint daily as part of her self-care routine. Her current favorite is the Merrimint, explaining how she did not realize how much tension and tightness she held in her body until she stopped drinking alcohol. "Alcohol loosened up my body, so without it, I noticed I carried quite a bit of tension. Merrimint helps me loosen up that tension and is instrumental in my self-care routine."
this is our time to be leaders of love, light, goodness, and authenticity.
"Whenever I rub Merrimint on my neck and shoulders as part of my evening routine, I instantly start to relax. My body takes a deep breath and says 'thank you.' Merrimint is a wonderful stress-reliever, good for my body, and smells delicious."
Reconnecting with Her Authentic Self
One of the tools that Devon uses to connect with her authentic self and stay energetically grounded is by using the tool Morning Pages. This self-care ritual created by Julia Cameron requires you to journal three hand-written pages each day. Devon explains that she loves starting her day this way. "I release all my thoughts on the page, anything I need to clear out, so I can start my day grounded and clear-headed."
when you're tapped into your joy, you're helping others on an even higher vibration.

Spreading Joy One Unbridled Woman at a Time
Devon's intention is to spread joy by "creating a ripple effect of Unbridled Women who can lead by example to awaken the healthy power of hundreds of women to live, own, and speak their truth."
Devon's advice for women is, that "this is our time to be leaders of love, light, goodness, and authenticity." Devon believes that "there's a missing piece for people, especially as we get older, of how to play, celebrate, and experience joy. For many women, when we get these little hits of joy we start to feel guilty, thinking 'I don't deserve this, I'm not worthy, I should be taking care of others,' and the thing is, when you're tapped into your joy, you're helping others on an even higher vibration."
Devon's intention is to continue to be an example for what women can accomplish and experience by being true to themselves, taking care of themselves, and creating a fulfilling future that supports their purpose.
Become Unbridled with Devon
"We have our first Unbridled Retreat in Hawaii coming up this summer on the secluded island of Lanai at Sensei Lanai, A Four Season Resort. That will be the ultimate wellness experience for women who want a luxe retreat in a tropical, stunning setting with horses. This has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I'm so excited it's become a reality this year.
We're also launching the Living Unbridled Program in June. This powerful 6-month personal development program is for our Unbridled Alums to take the next step in their Unbridled journey. Through virtual classes and a VIP Retreat, our goal is to help women achieve sustainable well-being and learn how to prioritize themselves to create a healthier and more balanced life.
Interested in becoming more Unbridled? Visit to explore transformative equine retreats for women seeking clarity, purpose, and joy.